
It is to have a reflection time at the end of a semester, actually I am not very interesting in this course. It is because I think that culture study is boring and quite leave the ground. But after 13 weeks, this course had change my mind a lot, leading me think more how culture related to my daily life.


As a translation media and culture industries student, in the past 13 weeks, my knowledge of how media and culture are related together and affect us has been enriched, especially the policy from government which giving support to creative industry and the impact of cosmopolitianism.


During each blog I had written, I am able to learn more on that topic and understanding our society more thought the research. Like in the blog 1, I was written about why Hong Kong TV program cannot beat Japanese, Taiwan or Korea. In the past, I will not interest about the reason or fact behind this problem. But, because of the assignment request, I need to undergo some research on it, and realize that it quite affected by the culture and audience point of view and taste.


In writing the second blog, about the how the privacy withstands the illegal download and streaming. Illegal download is all around us, streaming also, but we cannot stop this problem, which makes creative industry hard to carry on, to get what they deserve. By finding the reference from those research, I soon realize how seriousness of this problem affecting the whole world, damaging the industry.


In the third blog, I think it was the hardest one, and also the most inspire one. I am writing on the topic of can ‘cosmopolitian’ film festival breaks the barriers of the inner city. What I learn from it is, we cannot stop the culture becoming more similar, but we can still found out that although they are similar, they are stilling keeping their own culture character in their film. Film festival does making all film becoming globalize, and also giving us a chance to learn from others, take their good, improve our weaknesses.


It is hard to sum up what I have learn within the past thirteen weeks, it is more than just knowledge or theories that can be easily memorize, it also opens up my mind, guarding me to think differently from the past, thinking about how each social issue is related to us. The most memorable topic is about “cosmopolitianlism”, which make me think more our role in the world, not only a Hong Kong citizen, but also a global citizen, we cannot just put our focus on our country, we need to look around the whole world, pay more attention to what is happening nearby, rising my sense of global citizen.


In total, I am glade to having this course in this semester, let me know more around the whole world, not just focusing on my own stuff. I believe what I learn today, could be useful and benefiting me in the future.
