Blog Design

I had created this WordPress account around a year for posting my assignment, after three semesters, there are many post I have published, in this post I would like to have a little review and share the design of my blog page.

In my blog page, since WordPress had provided lots of free templates for the user, but most of them are not beautiful or good for others to visit my page. Finally, I chose this template which I think it is most suitable for readers to visit my page, and able to see my new post which will be shown on the top of my page. Before I choose this template, I had use another template for around few months. But I change it into this template because of many of my classmate is also using that template and I don’t think that template is good for reading my new posts or finding the post I want.

In this template, the post I had published is showing horizontally, which you may scroll down to find older post. Also, it will also show the first sentence of the passage, unlike the previous template, showing a part of the post, which I think that is lack of some mystery. However, in this template, it can show some of my works and also the title only, but if you want to know more about that, you must click inside and read the whole passage, giving out some mystery.

In the top of the page, it basically shown my nick name with a photo that I have taken in Japan. The reason I use that photo is, the color tone of that photo is quite similar to the color that I used in the blog page. In the home page of my blog, I like to use dark color as the background color and using white color of the words. It can easily to show the title of my post and I do love dark color which I think it is so cool. When we click inside my post, it will turn into a khaki color background with light navy color words. In that page, my post is in the middle part and the left-hand side is the search column. Before I edit it, originally the left-hand side column having many tools, but some of them I think is not useful or is duplicated. Therefore, I removed most of the function tools and only keep the search tool in that column.

Beside the use of color, let’s talk about the font that I have chosen. For the title, I choose to use Roboto Slab, it is because I think it is quite suitable and finishing. I do like the slab font which is able to show our emotion and more amiable to others. In the passage, I chose Merriweather as the font, which is a traditional font but also having some modern shape, giving a fusion feeling to us. I have tried different font to see which one is more readable and make others feeling more comfortable. I think font is important in our design which is able to give different emotion to the readers. Choosing a good font can make readers understand more my feeling, and also let them read my works more comfortable.

Talking about the strategy I used in my blog post, the main social media platform that I linked with is Twitter. It is the only platform that I linked with due to it was a part of my assignment that I have to finish in semester A, after that I didn’t change my preference. Another reason that I linked with Twitter is, more people are using Twitter now, no matter in Hong Kong or in other country, Twitter is the top platform that people usually get inside and read the most update news.

Rather than link up with social media platform, I also tried to give my blog post some interesting title or a clear title, directly letting the reader have a simple image of the topic I may talk about in my post. I think that a good title is essential to every passage, in order to let the readers, understand more of the background or make them feel curious of my topic, an interesting title can draw people attention to my post.

However, some of my work are started with the course code or the assignment name, which I don’t like this approach but in order to make my work clearer for marking, using course code or assignment name in the beginning of the title is a good way for my classmate to search my works and leave their comment under my work.

Talking about into leaving comment under other’s work, WordPress is able to let readers to leave their comment below the passage, no matter you have an account or not. It is good for the writer and reader to communicate more, share more their own views, understanding more about each other. Writing blog post is a way to share our own point of view, which we want others to know more about our thought.

However, WordPress need approve of comment, which I think that it is not user-friendly to all the user. Once you have leave the comment to others, the writer need to approve your comment before others can read it in the blog post. It is inconvenience to all the user.

In total, I think that writing blog post is interesting, every time I write blog post, although I need a long time to think about my topic, it gives me a good time to think more about our world, the things next to us, and also a chance to communicate with more people.
