BCM 332 Case Study 2

Influence of calling on Internet

In the previous case study, I have studied about the influence of calling on the Internet, especially in encouraging people to join different protest. We understand that calling on the Internet is a raising trend nowadays, the most convenience and effective method to get more people to join different operations. In case study 2, I am going to take about the impact of calling on the Internet.

Since the Internet and social media platform are well developed, we can see different country started to use social media as a platform to encourage people to join their operation or promote their thought[1], some websites are raising out, which mainly focus in sharing their own point of view in particular events[2]. Some people mention that social media platform starting to replace traditional media, in the way that people are easier to access to the Internet, easier to share that views in social media platform, which people are not afraid to be share that own point of view.

According to a research from 2003, published by Chung Ting Yiu and Chan Joseph Man, which discussing about how Internet can influence people to join different protest. In the research, one of the question is asking about the influence of calling among different groups of people toward citizen, we are able to see that over 50% of people are joining protest because of calling from online[3]. In the research, it also mentions that the influence of calling on Internet are unable to ignore. Back to 2018, we can see that calling on Internet become a power that able to influence people in some wordings.

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Nowadays, we are easily to see different people sharing their point of view in particular event, some people are easily affected by their words or views, joining their operation which may be illegal. In November 2014, around hundred people are joining a protest which against Copyright (Amendment) Bill 2014 from calling on Internet, they are joining the protest because of some rumours.[4] Some of the protester also be arrested by police because of attacking police and property damage.

Call on Internet are convenience and can immediately getting people to join different operation. However, since we are able to publish different opinions, some may be rumours, some may be fake. If we talk about effectiveness of calling on Internet, it is most effective way to get people, but people also can use it to confuse others. It is a two-side coin which we need to think clearly if we are really joining the operation of call on Internet.



[1] 抗議美國徵稅 加國民眾抵制美國貨. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://hk.on.cc/int/bkn/cnt/news/20180615/bknint-20180615130436175-0615_17011_001.html

[2] 李立峯﹕傳統媒體與網絡媒體「攻防戰」 – 20140522 – 觀點 – 觀點. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://news.mingpao.com/pns/李立峯﹕傳統媒體與網絡媒體「攻防戰」/web_tc/article/20140522/s00012/1400694692776

[3] 七一啟示:網上動員引發民主新動力. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.hkupop.hku.hk/chinese/columns/columns24.html

[4] Limited, N. M., & 香港蘋果日報. (2014, November 19). 先頭部隊衝完即閃 大混亂始於謠言. Retrieved from https://hk.news.appledaily.com/local/daily/article/20141120/18941582

[5] 社交網站不是社會運動的靈丹妙藥. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://app3.rthk.hk/mediadigest/content.php?aid=1979

