BCM 310 Blog 3: Robot and Creature

Last blog, I had discussed about the animal right, about the concept of speciesism, a different perspective to look into the animals right. We can understand that, we concern about the right of animals, because of they are creature, they have life. However, someone is also concerning about the right of robots, whether should robots be given human rights.

But first, the reason of why they suddenly concern about the right of robots is more and more social robots and artificial intelligent are created. We are able to see people can communicate with different social robots, to satisfy their needs, like a social robot produced by Panasonic which aims to monitor and teaching the kids. They are aiming to give a different feeling of robots that, robots are not without feeling at all, they are able to share your feelings and able to be a part of your family.[1]

Apart from this social robot, some family also bought a AIBO to the child, which it is able to communicate with you, acting similar to a real dog.[2] AIBO is installed with artificial intelligent, that make it able to understand some simple order from their master, which like we are training a dog to do something.

Under this condition, social robots can be classified as a member of our family, like a pet in our home. As a part of our family, should robots be given the rights, to be regarded as a family member, just like you will treat your social robot well similar to your pet.

We can understand that, social robots are being more important in our life, however many of people are denying given the right to those robots. The main concerning is about, if we talk about animal rights, we simply know that because animals are also a type of creature, they have life, they are able to reproduce their own next generation. But, social robots are not able to reproduce by their own, they are kind of product that made by human, their intelligent are given made human by using computer to enter those source code, made them able to understand what we want them to do. They cannot be regarded as creature, which we are not really having their life.[3]

Nevertheless, the limits of artificial intelligent are out of our thought, which they are able to think quicker, understanding more than us, they are linked with the Internet, which will be more knowledgeable than human. As a human, we need to study about the knowledge, memorize different things in order to make something or produce something. Artificial intelligent is different, they can search for different things each time, memorizing all the things searched before, which is different to human being. Taking an example from AlphaGo, an artificial intelligent made by London Google DeepMind, it is a program that can be self-learning go and win over the top player of go.[4]

Someone mention that, maybe robots will be having their rights by 2045[5], which technology are keep developing, the use of artificial intelligent become more popular, it may replace different part of our works. What if, one day, artificial intelligent is able to produce a human shape body and implant their intelligent by their own, which we are hard to discover that is it a real human being, should they be given robot right, or they are regarded as human, given human right to them?


[1] O. (2017, September 28). Panasonic 展出暖心的概念款機器人保姆 Social Robot|數位時代. Retrieved from https://www.bnext.com.tw/px/article/46082/the-most-warm-and-sweet-robot-nanny-panasonic-social-robot

[2] (n.d.). Retrieved from https://aibo.sony.jp/en/

[3] Dovey, D. (2018, April 14). Experts don’t think that robots should be given rights as “electronic persons". Retrieved from http://www.newsweek.com/robots-human-rights-electronic-persons-humans-versus-machines-886075

[4] AlphaGo. (2018, June 17). Retrieved from https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/AlphaGo

[5] Cuthbertson, A. (2018, May 25). Robots will have civil rights by 2045, claims the creator of an android that once said ‘destroy humans’. Retrieved from https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/robots-civil-rights-android-artificial-intelligence-2045-destroy-humans-sophia-singularity-a8367331.html

